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Northwest Public Schools | February 18, 2025

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Note from the Principal- Dec. 2021

Note from the Principal- Dec. 2021


Season’s greetings! Wow, where did the year go? We are quickly closing out 2021 and ending second quarter.  It has been a great first semester, and I am truly blessed to be working with awesome students, staff and parents. 

Tonight will be a wonderful kick off to the Holiday Season with the K-8 Christmas Concert. The program will begin at 7:00PM at the Northwest Auditorium. Teachers will be on duty at 6:30PM in grade level assigned rooms. Mr. Meyer will also host the 5th-8th Winter Band Concert on Tuesday, December 14th at 7:00PM. Two fun events to get you in the Holiday Spirit! 

The Student Council will have a Project Elf again this year. It will be next week December 7-11. They have identified the Central Nebraska Child Advocacy Center-First Light. Information will come home later this week on donations needed. The Student Council will be creating theme days for the week of December 13-17. It will be a festive week!

PTO Poinsettia delivery will be Monday, December 6th. Please watch for information to come about pick-up.  PTO will not meet this month. Next meeting will be on Monday, January 10 at 6PM.  

K-5 students have been DIBELS testing this week. K-8 will begin their Winter MAP testing over the next two weeks. Teachers are discussing student and class goals based on fall scores. Please have your children get a good night sleep, eat a healthy breakfast and give them some positive reinforcement. These scores are one piece of the road map in your child’s education. Teachers use this information to guide their next steps of instruction. 

We utilize PowerSchool as our mass communication delivery system. Please ensure your information is up-to-date in PowerSchool, so you receive important school and district information. If you have questions please contact the office for assistance.  School closings will also be announced on KOLN/KGIN (Lincoln) and KLKN-TV (Lincoln) and on social media. Students will continue to go outside when temperatures feel like 20 degrees or higher. They must have coats, mittens, snow pants, boots to play in the snow. Otherwise they are restricted to the concrete area. 

Class parties will be on Tuesday, December 21st. Teachers will communicate about their grade level plans. Christmas break will begin on December 22nd. Students will return on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022. 

Winter Middle School sports are off and running. Girls basketball teams are improving each week. Our wrestlers are finding a lot of success on the mats. Boys Basketball will begin immediately after break with the first practice on Thursday, January 6th. 7th grade practices are at 1R and 8th grade are at Cedar Hollow. 8th grade girls may participate in cheerleading; those practices are at Cedar Hollow. 6-8 Girls Honor Choir will begin practice on January 10.

On behalf of the staff at 1-R School, we wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. If you have questions regarding your children’s education, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 385-6352. 



Mr. Retzlaff
