October news and updates from Mr. Mazour
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I want to sincerely thank all of whom were able to come and share information with your child’s teachers last week. I know our staff gets a great deal out of the exchange and I hope you did as well. Please continue to communicate any questions you have as the year progresses. Â
If your child(ren) are in grades 4-8, you should have received communication regarding our NSCAS report from our state test last spring. As a whole our students performed very well both in achievement and growth. If the report causes any questions for you, please contact the office and I would be happy to try to answer any questions you have. Â
Our school fundraiser will begin on Tuesday, October 3. Your child will be bringing home a packet with information as to how the fundraiser works. We appreciate any help you can provide to help raise money for our PTO, who do so many great things for our school. I know a main aspect of the fundraising is for exterior improvements around the school, including new basketball hoops on our playground, Â
I also want to notify you of some upcoming events on our calendar. Our Family Fright Night, where students can dress up in their Halloween costumes and participate in carnival type games as a fundraiser for our eighth graders and their trip to Washington DC, will take place Thursday, October 26 at Cedar Hollow. In addition, our Christmas vocal and band concerts dates have been determined. All will begin at 6:30 pm and take place in the Northwest auditorium. Our 5-8 band concert is Monday, December 11. Our K-4 vocal concert is Tuesday, December 12, and our 5-8 vocal concert is Monday, December 18.
The Northwest High School Administration has asked that we encourage students that attend the high school football games to remain with their parents and watch the game instead of potentially being out in various locations playing football or other activities. Thanks for your help with this.
Lastly, here is a family tech tip from Mrs. Callihan: Many apps now have opportunities for families to collaborate and work together to support well-being and safety. One example is Instagram: You can supervise your child’s Instagram use in their Family Center.
Family Center includes an education hub where parents and guardians can access resources from experts and review helpful articles, videos and tips on topics like how to talk to teens about social media. Parents can also watch video tutorials on how to use the new supervision tools available on Instagram. Family Tech Tip
Mr. Mazour