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Northwest Public Schools | January 21, 2025

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Northwest Public Schools utilizes PowerSchool to communicate with guardians the real-time information for their students with grades, attendance, assignments, fees, school announcements, current contact information and much more.  The guardians have access to the student’s information through the web portal and the PowerSchool Mobile app for iPhone and Androids.

All custodial guardians have accounts created for them.  To access your account for the first time, use your first and last name as the username with your student’s building as the password in lowercase.  For example:  John Smith has a student attending the St. Libory building.  John would use the following information:  Username: JohnSmith . Password: stlibory . For additional information contact your specific school directly.

When using the mobile app for the first time, you will need the District Code of MNDT to complete the set up of the app.



PowerSchool Parent Website

Lunch Balances

PowerSchool Community (Mobile App Support)

Returning Student Registration

For further assistance, please email