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Northwest Public Schools | September 8, 2024

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Can you believe we are three weeks from being done with the first semester of school?  Time flies when you are having fun!  It’s been a great  first semester with a ton to celebrate.  We are blessed to have such great students and staff who work so well with one another. We have some important information to share with you as we finish up the semester.   

Counselor’s Corner

Mrs Merritt and Mrs Smith have scholarship information that they want to make you aware of.  Click on the link to see the latest information on scholarships. Scholarship Information  

Freshman Parents

Mr Moser, our freshman academy principal, along with our freshman academy teachers do a tremendous job helping our freshmen become acclimated to high school.  They also do a great job collaborating with one another to help our students get off to a great start to their high school career from an academic standpoint.  Our freshman academy teachers along with Mr Moser meet every Friday morning to discuss academics, successes, as well as concerns related to students.  This better enables us to serve each individual students’ needs.  Follow this link to read Mr Moser’s Freshman December Newsletter.  

The 2023-2024 yearbook can be purchased online for $65 if you buy it before December 31.  The price moves up to $70 after that date.  Here is the link to purchase a yearbook: 2023-2024 Yearbook.  

Senior Parents

Yearbook & Senior Slideshow Pictures:  DUE JANUARY 9

Form to upload senior photo

The photo you turn in for the yearbook will also be used for the hall display board.  It is created digitally, and the photos will be resized to fit the board.  You don’t have to worry about turning in another picture.

Senior Tributes for the yearbook are due JANUARY 9.  

Senior Tribute information

Information for all parents and stakeholders

We had our external visit for accreditation purposes in November.  The visit went extremely well and the external visit team was very impressed with the culture we have instilled at Northwest Public Schools.  We will receive a written report soon, which will detail some affirmations on things we are doing well along with recommendations in areas we can improve as we head into our next 5 year cycle.  I want to thank all of the stakeholders who were a part of this process.   

If your student doesn’t fully complete a certain class during the first semester, an “I” for incomplete will be put into the gradebook.  The student will have to turn in all the work for this class by January 5th.  Anything not completed by that date will be put in as a zero and whatever the grade is on January 5th will go into the grade book.  Mr Smith must approve all incomplete. 

The December Moratorium runs from December 23rd through the 27th.  This is mandatory down time for athletes and those involved in activities.  There are to be no practices or meetings during this time.  Practices and meetings can resume on December 28th.  


PJ Smith, Principal