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Northwest Public Schools | January 21, 2025

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Note from the Principal- March 2023

Note from the Principal- March 2023

Parents and Guardians,

Third quarter is quickly coming to a close. We are having a great year at 1R! Thank you for your continued support each and every day. 

It was great to see so many parents at Parent Teacher Conferences last month. We had a 91% turnout rate for our K-8 conferences. Thank you so much for your continued support in your child’s education. Please remember teachers are always available via email or phone call if you have questions.  

February Celebrations – Congratulations to our middle school MathCounts team and Mrs. Byerly as they placed 7th at their competition in Kearney. There were 36 teams from across the area participating. Mr. Meyer and Mr. Pfanstiel hosted a middle school honor band day and they put on an awesome performance. Mrs. Amen and Mr. Studley had their annual 8th grade art day at Northwest. Always amazing to see the mural creations. Congratulations to Judah Crick for placing 2nd in both the written and oral portions of the Hall County Spelling Bee – 7th grade division.. 

Boys basketball wrapped up their season at the Westridge Tournament this week. Both our 7th and 8th grade teams showed improvement this season. The 7th grade team ended with a 5-5 record and our 8th grade team was 6-4 placing 3rd in the tournament. 

As spring arrives, middle school activities will continue to kick off. First up is the Mixed Honor Choir.  They began practice this week. On Wednesday, March 15th they will have a K-8 building tour. The parent performance will be held at 3:15 pm in the Northwest High School Auditorium. 

We will offer middle school soccer again this year. We will continue to partner with GICC for 7th & 8th grade teams. Practices will begin on Monday, March 27th and will be held at GICC. Please contact Coach Armstrong if you have questions at 

There will be a middle school track parent meeting on Monday, March 13th at 5:30 pm in the Northwest High School gym. Track practice will begin on March 20th. Please contact Coach Wemhoff if you have questions at

Reminder for Middle School parents to check Northwest website for Summer Athletic camps and Summer Weight programs. This can all be found on the Northwest Homepage. Signups are open now. 

The PTO flower fundraiser information will be coming home soon. If you need a great Mother’s Day gift, watch for the flier coming home. PTO is seeking officers for the 23-24 school year. 1R PTO does so many wonderful things for our students, staff and building. Please consider joining and serving in a role so we can offer those events next fall. If you have an interest in serving please contact president Kristen Rogers. Meetings are on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. 

We highly encourage our children to take the best possible care of any and all school property. If items are damaged or lost, charges will be assessed based on damages and/or replacement costs. All lunch balances need to be paid and current with the Northwest District office. 

  • Library books – based on replacement costs
  • Chromebook chargers & Replacement costs may range from $25-$160

Reminder if you have an incoming Kindergartener or know someone who has a Kindergartener please have them contact Mrs. Bachle. 1R Introduction to Kindergarten night will be Tuesday April 4th at 6:30 pm. 

Important Dates and reminders coming up:

NO School for students on March 8th, 9th, and 10th.

PTO Breakfast Buddies March 16th at 7:15 am. 

3rd quarter Report Cards will be sent home on March 20th.

PTO Dining night out at Culvers March 28th 6-8 pm. 

Introduction to Kindergarten is April 4th at 6:30 pm at 1R

1R Spring Concert is Thursday, April 27th 6:30 pm

Field Day Friday, May 12th

On behalf of the staff and myself, we thank you for your continued support. Please follow our 1R Google calendar for the most current events and check out our 1R Facebook page. If you have questions regarding your child’s education, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 385-6352.


Mr. Retzlaff, Principal