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Northwest Public Schools | February 18, 2025

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Note from the Principal- Jan. 2024

Note from the Principal- Jan. 2024

Parents & Guardians,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday break spending time with family and friends. I am excited to kick off the 2024 school year. As we get the new year started, I want to share the January updates and happenings. 

The 2nd quarter House Cup Champion was the “Altruismo House”. Congratulations “Pink team” for consistently meeting the ROW expectations in all areas of our educational setting!

  • Be Respectful
  • Take Ownership
  • Work as a team.  

All K – 8th second quarter report cards will be sent home on Thursday, January 11th. Teachers will send report cards home in an envelope. Teachers will request the envelopes be signed and returned so they know you received the hard copy. You may also access the report cards via PowerSchool. Reminder, for information or how to access the portal go to the Northwest website under the “Parents” tab and click on PowerSchool. Here is also a link to guide you. Page 10 provides specific steps for viewing standard based grades: Parent Portal Instructions

Students completed their winter NSCAS, DIBELS and MAPS assessments before break.Teachers will be sharing those results at PTC in February. These results are a snapshot of where students are at mid way through the school year. Teachers and students will use this data to set spring goals and guide instruction as they move forward.  

8th Graders – Mark your calendars! All 8th graders interested in attending Northwest High School are invited to New Student Orientation on Thursday, Feb. 1 at 6:15 PM.  It is an opportunity to explore Northwest High School, meet the staff, and see the wide variety of educational, academic, and athletic opportunities provided. More information will be shared as the date nears.

7th & 8th grade boys basketball will start Friday, January 5th. Our 7th grade boys will practice at 1R school and our 8th grade boys will practice at Cedar Hollow. We will provide transportation to practice after school.  Parents are asked to pick up after practice. Your son was provided information from their respective coaches on practice times and schedules before break. If you have further questions please contact coaches via their emails below:                                                                 7th Grade Coach – Anthony LaRosa –                                                          8th Grade Coach – Scott Johnson –

Sports Calendar Link

Middle School Girls Wrestling will start Monday, Jan. 8th for our 7th and 8th graders. Please plan on picking your daughter up around 5:20 following each practice at Northwest High School. Please contact Coach Bryce Harrington if you have any questions.

As we start the second semester, please do your best to keep your child’s lunch account positive. Lunch money can be sent to the office or you can use the online payment method found on the district website.The online lunch payment program is again up and running. Here is the link if you’d like to use it. E-Funds We greatly appreciate your attention to this account. You should be getting weekly emails that inform you of the amount of money you have in your account.

PTO meeting will be Monday, Jan. 8th, at 6 PM.  PTO scheduled a Westside Bowling Family Fun Night for Sunday, Jan. 14th from 4-8 PM. On Tuesday, Jan. 23rd you can support PTO by stopping by Juice Stop from 2:30-6 PM and purchase a refreshment.  

No School for students on Monday, January 22 due to staffing In-Service.

Please send your children with the appropriate clothing for this time of year. We will do our best to get outside when we can, if even for a short time in K-5. We typically go out if it feels like 20 degrees or above. Students need a second pair of appropriate snow boots and snow pants to play in the snow. Otherwise they have to stay on the concrete play area. Hats, winter coats, and gloves should come to school daily. Please place initials and labels on all items coming to school so it is easy to keep track of lost and found items. We end up with nice items that get sent to good will each year. School closings will be posted via social media, KSNB Channel 4, KOLN/KGIN News, NTV stations, KRGI AM/FM, KSYZ  and KZ100 radio stations.

General Reminders as we get back in the swing of things.


Cell phones and other electronic device use during the hours of 7:45-3:30 is prohibited at school unless used for educational purposes. Students may use the office phone and messages may be relayed through the secretary. Cell phones are to be turned off and in the locker. Parents please contact the office if you need to reach your child this helps alleviate confusion for everyone. 


Gum or candy will not be allowed in school except on special occasions approved by the teacher or principal.


Pop/soda is not allowed in the lunchroom during the noon lunch period. Please note that our lunch program prohibits the bringing in of outside fast food during the lunch periods (McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, etc.) Parents wishing to eat with their children must notify the school in advance. Parents will be required to pay the adult lunch price.


Bats, balls, gloves, toy guns, knives, trading cards of any kind, etc., are not to be brought to school unless the student has permission from their classroom teacher. Once again, if your child doesn’t need it for school, don’t let them bring it to school. Fidgets are items that are similar to toys, however, can serve an educational purpose for some children who may need help with focus and attention. All fidgets will be provided by the school and should not be brought from home (this includes spinners).

Mrs. Erickson has the following tips to share as we start the new year:

On behalf of the staff and myself, we thank you for your continued support. Have a safe and happy new year!  If you have questions regarding your children’s education, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 385-6352.


Mr. Retzlaff, Principal